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New Starters

What to Bring to School
  • School Uniform: Children are expected to wear the full Lordship Lane Primary School uniform. This includes the correct shoes and any additional items required, such as PE kits. 
  • Water Bottle: A clearly labeled reusable water bottle to keep hydrated throughout the day.
  • Book Bag: A school book bag for reading books, homework, and letters.
  • Lunch: If your child is bringing a packed lunch, please ensure it is healthy and nut-free to adhere to our school policy. Hot meals are also available—please contact the school office for more details.
  • Outdoor Clothing: A coat or jacket appropriate for the season, as children will have outdoor play in most weather conditions.
Daily Routines and Expectations
  • Attendance and Punctuality: Regular attendance and arriving on time (8:45 am) are key to your child’s success. School finishes at 3:20 pm.
  • Labeling Belongings: To avoid lost items, please ensure all clothing, water bottles, and lunchboxes are clearly labeled with your child’s name.
  • Healthy Snacks: Children in Reception are entitled to a free piece of fruit daily. You may send an additional healthy snack if needed.
  • Homework: Weekly homework will be set to support learning at home. Further details will be provided by your child’s class teacher.
Supporting Your Child
  • Encourage a regular bedtime routine to ensure your child is well-rested.
  • Spend time reading together daily to build literacy skills and a love of books.
  • Promote independence by helping your child practice dressing, fastening shoes, and using the toilet confidently.