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Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance and Punctuality at Lordship Lane Primary School

At Lordship Lane Primary School, we celebrate and promote good attendance and punctuality.

We believe that regular and punctual attendance is key to a child’s success in school and beyond. Excellent attendance helps children to achieve their full potential, build positive habits, and develop a love of learning. To achieve their best, children must be motivated to attend school every day and arrive on time, ready to learn.

The Importance of Being on Time

It is important that your child arrives at school on time. The school day begins at 8:45am, and we operate a ‘soft start’ system, with the school gates opening at 8:40am. During this time, children can walk straight into class, where early morning work is provided by their teacher. All children are expected to be ready to start learning at 8:45am.

The school day ends at 3:20pm, and children must be collected promptly. If there is a change in your normal collection arrangements, please inform the school office before the end of the school day.

Absence from School

Children should only be absent from school when they are ill or in unavoidable circumstances. Family holidays, outings, and routine medical or dental appointments should be arranged outside of school hours whenever possible.

Please note that holidays taken during term time will be marked as unauthorised absences, except in exceptional circumstances and with prior approval from the Headteacher.

Reporting a Child’s Absence

If your child is absent, please inform the school office by telephone or email before 8:40am on the first day of absence, providing a clear reason for their absence.

If your child is late or absent without prior notification, the school will follow up with a phone call to ensure your child’s safety and wellbeing.

Promoting Positive Attendance

At Lordship Lane, we reward and celebrate excellent attendance and punctuality to motivate our pupils and highlight the importance of these habits. Our initiatives include:

  • A weekly class attendance award for the class with the highest attendance.
  • A termly medal for individual pupils with attendance at 100%

Attendance and Punctuality Tips

  • Prepare school bags, uniforms, and other essentials the night before to streamline your morning routine.
  • Set a consistent bedtime to ensure your child gets enough rest.
  • If you or your child are finding it difficult to get to school on time, please talk to your child’s teacher for support and advice.
  • Book routine appointments, such as dental check-ups, during school holidays or after school wherever possible.

Support for Families

We understand that challenges with attendance and punctuality can sometimes arise, and we are here to support you. If your family is experiencing difficulties, please contact the school so that we can work together to address any issues.

Low attendance significantly impacts a child’s wellbeing and progress, so we work closely with families to identify solutions and ensure every child can thrive.