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Complaints Procedure

Complaints Policy

At Lordship Lane Primary School, we are committed to working closely with parents and carers to build a partnership that benefits all children and ensures their school experience is happy, secure, and positive.

The Home School Agreement sets clear expectations for pupils, staff, and parents. When concerns arise, we aim to address them promptly and constructively, adhering to our complaints policy and guidance from the Local Authority.

What is a Complaint?
Parents and carers may occasionally express concerns, which are often resolved informally through discussions with the class teacher or another member of staff. However, if a concern becomes more serious and is clearly expressed as dissatisfaction, it may develop into a formal complaint. Complaints may cover a variety of issues. While we discourage anonymous complaints due to the difficulty of effectively addressing them, we are committed to handling all feedback with care and confidentiality.

Arrangements for Managing Complaints
Parents and carers may request a copy of our complaints policy from the school office at any time.

The Headteacher will acknowledge receipt of a verbal or written complaint within 24 hours and may need additional time to fully investigate the matter. Parents and carers will be kept informed of the timeframes involved, but we aim to provide a formal response within 5 school days, where possible. Procedures will be followed as outlined in our complaints policy to ensure a fair and thorough resolution.

Please rest assured that all complaints are handled with strict confidentiality, and our attitude toward any pupil will never be affected by a parental complaint.

We value open communication and welcome constructive feedback as an opportunity to improve and strengthen our school community.