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  • Meet the Governors



    Dr Jenny Thomas – Chair of Governors and Safeguarding Lead

    I was appointed as a Governor in 2014.  I graduated with a degree in Psychology and the focus of my PhD research was the evaluation of buildings. I now work as a consultant assessing the impact of buildings, particularly schools and other education buildings. I am passionate about giving young people a voice and supporting the great teaching and learning at Lordship Lane Primary School as well as championing a positive, proactive approach to safeguarding.



    Elinor Macdonald - Vice Chair

    My daughter is in Year 3 and since she started school I have been keen to make any contribution I can to the school community. I am Vice Chair and  have  joined as a member of the Children, Family, and Community Committee,  I am an Associate at an architectural practice where I have worked for 13 years. 


    Laviza Khalifa - Co-Opted Governor

    I was elected as a co-opted Governor in 2018 and am also a member of the curriculum committee. I have a passion for, and deep interest in education. I have worked in higher education for the last twenty years in a variety of roles including programme development, marketing, assessment but more recently within Academic Quality. I have a lifelong connection to the school, having attended myself many years ago. My daughter is a KS1 pupil so I will have a close link to the school for several years to come. I have lived in the area all my life and am familiar with the challenges faced by our rich and diverse local community.  I hope that the skills I have gained during my career in education will allow me to contribute to help achieve the best schooling experience for all children attending Lordship Lane Primary School.

    Tessa Ware - Parent Governor

    I joined the Governing Body in 2023 and also sit on the Curriculum Committee.  I have worked in the education system for over 20 years as a secondary school English teacher, including 18 years here in Haringey.  Most of those years have been in leadership roles, initially as Head of English and for the past 7 years as an Assistant Head.  I believe strongly that in order to learn and succeed, children need to feel safe and happy first - and this is what I have seen and continue to see in my own children's experience at LLPS.  I am a strong supporter of the school and its vision and values: it is a privilege to be able to use my skills and experience to support these.

    Jolene Georgiou – Co-opted Governor

    I joined the Governing Body in September 2013 as I had 2 daughters at the school and wanted to get involved in their education and contribute to my local community. My daughters have since grown up and left Lordship Lane, but I have remained as a Governor as I am committed to making a difference and doing everything possible to assist the children in my local community to achieve the best education they possibly can. I am also the link governor for SEND and have oversight of the school’s arrangements and provisions for children with additional needs.  I also get involved in as many school activities as I can, and I feel privileged to be part of the Lordship Lane family.

    Kate Belshaw – Co-opted Governor

    I joined the Governing Body of Lordship Lane Primary School in September 2014, and chair the Finance and Resources Committee. I have worked in Higher Education for 12 years and am passionate about access to education and the attainment and pedagogical experience of pupils. I am committed to helping Lordship Lane be the best it can be for all members of the school community. Alongside my governorship at Lordship Lane, I am governor at a secondary school in Hertfordshire and have experience in the full breadth of education.


    Maria Chatzichristodoulou – Parent Governor

    Maria Chatzichristodoulou is a mum of two children, Iris and Nico Osborne, and a parent Governor at Lordship Lane Primary School. In her professional life, Maria is Professor of Theatre, Performance and Technology, and Associate Dean for Research Business & Innovation at Kingston School of Art, Kingston University. She is a researcher and curator studying the way digital technologies transform theatre and art, and how art and performance can be used to improve quality of life for a diverse range of people and communities. Maria has published extensively, contributed to conferences and symposia and curated festivals and events. Before moving to Kingston University she held leadership and teaching roles at London South Bank University, University of Hull and Birkbeck University of London. She has also taught at the University of London Colleges Goldsmiths and Queen Mary. In Athens, Maria co-founded and was co-director of the first ever Art & Technology festival to take place in Greece, working with the Greek Ministries of Culture and Development. Maria has received competitive funding for her research and knowledge exchange activities from the UK research council and other funders. She is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media.

    Rob Priestley – Parent Governor

    I was elected by parents as Governor in 2022 and joined the Finance and Resources committee and budget working party. The learning and development of my 2 daughters has been shaped by Lordship Lane Primary; my youngest in Y5 and eldest now at high school. I care deeply about children's learning and the contributions by the school to our local community. That's why I want to bring my professional career, working in the city of London, and personal experiences to the role of governor on behalf of parents and carers of our children at Lordship Lane Primary.


    Brian Fitzgerald – Local Authority Governor

    I joined the Governing Body of Lordship Lane Primary School in February 2022, and also sit on the Finance and Resources Committee. I work in the Finance industry and being a school governor allows me to apply my skills in a slightly different setting, while also giving me the opportunity to meet lots of interesting people from a diverse range of backgrounds and to develop new skills.  I have 2 children of primary school age, and believe that every child should have access to a high-calibre education that stimulates their intellectual curiosity and instils in them a lifelong love of learning.  I am also passionate about safeguarding and ensuring that children’s health, safety and well-being are at the heart of everything that we do at Lordship Lane Primary School.

    Asmaa Ali-Sheikh - Staff Governor

    I joined the Governing Body of Lordship Lane Primary School in September 2022.  I am part of the Finance and Resources committee and the Budget Working Party.  I joined the school just over three years ago and have developed relationships within the school community. I work closely with the Headteacher and my colleagues to ensure a harmonious working environment, supporting them in any way that I can. I am proud to be part of the Lordship Lane Primary School staff and enjoy being in a place where children grown and learn in a safe and stimulating environment.