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  • Special Educational Needs

    SEND Provision at Lordship Lane

    We believe that all children are unique and we endorse the principle that they are entitled to teaching and support which will maximise their abilities and sense of personal worth.

    To this end we aim to identify, to the best of our ability, those areas where individual children have special needs and/or disabilities and to provide for them appropriately.

    The school welcomes children with special needs and/or disabilities and is committed to their inclusion in all aspects of school life wherever possible.

    However, if we do not feel that we can offer appropriate provision to meet the needs of your child we will be open and transparent and share our concerns with you.

    In addition, we will always recommend alternative provision that will better meet the needs of your child.

    For any further information on SEN please see the school's SENDCO - Mrs Natalie Wilding (

    Additional SEND Information