Mathematics is, of course, a fundamental part of every primary school's curriculum because of the profound importance of the subject. At Lordship Lane, we aim to develop children's maths skills and understanding so that they are comfortably ready for the next stage in their education. This includes developing a high level of arithmetic fluency in addition to developing strong problem-solving skills.
Lordship Lane Primary Schools aims to prepare our children for their future success, providing them with the essential knowledge required to encompass a Cultural Capital – in the world of work, in relationships forged throughout life and as a valued contributor to society. Many children begin their primary education with a range of limited experiences, which is often evident during their time in EYFS. Therefore, our curriculum for mathematics aims to provide our children with the opportunity to link their learning to real-world problem solving, whilst also ensuring that they are equipped with the relevant mathematical vocabulary.
We ensure that contextual learning takes place during enrichment days with focus on cross-curricular links, such as P.E, Science, History and Geography, which enables our children to form direct links to their wider experiences outside of the school environment.
At Lordship Lane, we use the Maths-No Problem! scheme for teaching mathematics. This is inspired by the maths approaches used in Singapore - one of the highest performing countries in mathematics in the world! We have chosen this mastery approach because we believe it is very well-organised and offers children the range of maths experiences that are so essential for them to make good progress.
All children have a maths lesson every day across the school. These maths lessons make extensive use of concrete resources, not only in younger year groups but across the school. This is because we understand their importance in the development of children's conceptual understanding. All maths lessons also contain elements of direct teaching, guided practice (when children learn by working together with others or the teacher) and independent practice (when children practice on their own).