Our high-quality computing education at Lordship Lane aims to inspire pupils to become active participants in a digital world, through an understanding of the importance of technology so they gain life-skills to enable them to embrace, use and develop new technology in a rapidly changing society with a passion to continue to develop their love for computing in future life.
At Lordship Lane, pupils are given every opportunity to participate in a wide range of learning experiences beyond their classroom. We have forged links with local secondary schools that give children opportunities to experience computing at secondary level.
Our Computing curriculum is designed to give all pupils, particularly the disadvantaged, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
Curriculum Foundations. At Lordship Lane we use and adapt the Purple Mash Scheme of work to teach the skills and knowledge that the children need during their computing lessons.
EYFS Children explore and investigate the world around them. There are many opportunities for children to use technology to solve problems and produce creative outcomes. Mini Mash is a safe online space for children in the Early Years to learn, create and explore. It helps to support children to explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants
KS1 Within KS1, children learn how to create and debug simple programs. They learn how to use technology safely and respectfully. They will recognise common uses of information technology beyond school.
KS2 Across KS2, children design, write and debug programs which accomplish simple goals. Children use logical reasoning to explain how simple algorithms work (the steps needed to design, write and debug programs). They learn how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. Children use a variety of software and hardware to accomplish a simple goal. For example, using cameras, Audacity and Windows Movie Maker to create a film.
Across the Key Stages, children are taught to keep themselves safe online.
The documents below provide an overview of the lessons taught in KS1 & KS2. They also show the links and objectives covered from the National Curriculum in Computing.
In Computing, we have 4 golden threads that weave their way through as they are taught and built upon as the curriculum progresses through the school. They are: Computer Science, Information Technology, Digital Literacy / Esafety.
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Year 1 |
Online Safety & Exploring Purple Mash |
Grouping & Sorting |
Pictograms |
Lego Builders |
Maze Explorers |
Animated Story Books |
Coding |
Spreadsheets |
Technology outside school |
Main tool |
2Count |
2Go |
2Create A Story |
2Code |
2Calculate |
Year 2 |
Coding |
Online Safety |
Spreadsheets |
Questioning |
Effective Searching |
Creating Pictures |
Making Music |
Presenting Ideas |
Main tool |
2Code |
2Calculate |
2Question 2Investigate |
2Paint A Picture |
2Sequence |
Year 3 |
Coding |
Online safety |
Spreadsheets |
Touch Typing |
Email (inc. email safety) |
Branching Databases |
Simulations |
Graphing |
Presenting |
Main tool |
2Code |
2Calculate |
2Type |
2Email |
2Question |
2Simulate |
2Graph |
PowerPoint or Google Slides |
Year 4 |
Coding |
Online Safety |
Spreadsheets |
Writing for Different Audiences |
Logo |
Animation |
Effective Searching |
Hardware Investigators |
Making Music |
Main tool |
2Code |
2Caluate |
2Logo |
2Animate |
Busy Beats |
Year 5 |
Coding |
Online Safety |
Spreadsheets |
Databases |
Game Creator |
3D Modelling |
Concept Maps |
Word Processing |
Main tool |
2Code |
2Calculate |
2Investigate |
2DIY 3D |
2Design & Make |
2Connect |
MS Word or Google Docs |
Year 6 |
Coding |
Online Safety |
Spreadsheets |
Blogging |
Text Adventures |
Quizzing |
Understanding Binary |
Spreadsheets |
Main tool |
2Code |
2Calculate |
2Blog |
2Quiz |
Excel or Google Sheets |
There are opportunities to incorporate the computational skills into other subjects. Resources could be adapted or created to match topics.
Units that link to the maths curriculum:
Units that could be part of English lessons:
Online safety units can be part of PSHE lessons; there is a strong link between the learning objectives related to online safety with many of the online safety lessons aligning with PSHE objectives.
The skills have been mapped against the National Curriculum and the Purple Mash Scheme of Work. Each year group below shows the skills progression overview.