In geography, we aim not only to teach children about the physical and human world around them but also to help them understand what it means to be a geographer. They use geographical enquiry, in its many forms, to answer relevant questions while also developing their skills in fieldwork.
At Lordship Lane, we believe that equipping our pupils with an understanding of the world around them and the physical changes within their environment, will provide them with the fundamental knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to be educated citizens, who value and respect different cultures and communities. Trips incorporating geographical skills and fieldwork will be in place to apply the knowledge they have learnt first-hand, strengthen their skills and further their knowledge and understanding. We believe that our curriculum allows them to not only use their skills within the classroom but beyond, to become successful in their chosen career and society as a whole. British values and being able to articulate themselves within in any arena is our goal at our school.
Our geography curriculum is based on that developed by the Haringey Education Partnership, but we have made some changes so that it works well for our school and our community. In year 1, children begin by learning about their own area, London and England. As children move into year 2, they learn about other parts of the world, before tackling more complex geographical topics such as migration and plate tectonics in key stage 2.
We have made knowledge builders for each unit of work: this is a sheet containing the geographical words and knowledge that children are going to learn in each half term. Your child will bring this sheet home each half term, and it will also be shared on Seesaw.
In Early Years, children learn about geography through discussion and play. They learn about locations, places and environments through the books they read and through dress up and role play. They also visit places local to learn about different physical geographical features.
In Key Stages 1 and 2, children have two geography lessons a week. Geography lessons are interleaved with history, so children learn either history or geography in any given half term. Weekly quizzing helps children to remember what they have learnt over time.
The table below offers a overview of what children study in humanities (geography and history) for each half term, in order for you to understand how they are taught across the year. Our knowledge builders provide much more detail of the content; children will be given these to take home at the beginning of each unit of work.
Year |
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Nursery |
Geography Understanding Our Environment COMMUNITY and EARTH
History People and Their Families DAILY LIFE |
Geography The Different Ways in Which We Use Our Environment COMMUNITY and EARTH
History Stories and Festivals – Diwali and Christmas (How celebrations and traditions have changed and stayed the same.) COMMUNICATION and BELIEF |
Geography The Arctic – Who Lives there? EARTH and GLOBAL MATTERS
History Story Settings from the Past and Chinese New Year Festival (How celebrations and traditions have changed or stayed the same.) DAILY LIFE and BELIEF |
Geography Food from Around the World EARTH and GLOBAL MATTERS
History Growing and Changing over Time DAILY LIFE |
Geography Different Seasons EARTH and GLOBAL MATTERS
History Growing and Changing over Time DAILY LIFE |
Geography Holiday Destinations EARTH and CULTURE
History Journeys (Transport) DAILY LIFE and TECHNOLOGY |
Reception |
Geography Friends, Family and Favourite Places COMMUNITY and CULTURE
History How Time Changes (Looking at timetables, days of the week and historical language e.g., yesterday). DAILY LIFE |
Geography Caves EARTH
History Festivals – Diwali and Chanukah (How celebrations and traditions have changed and stayed the same.) BELIEF, CULTURE and COMMUNICATION |
Geography Houses in Our Local Area and Maps Around the World COMMUNITY and EARTH
History Traditional Tales COMMUNICATION |
Geography Treasure Maps EARTH
History Festivals – Easter (How celebrations and traditions have changed and stayed the same.) BELIEF, CULTURE and COMMUNICATION |
Geography Caring for our World - Why Do We See Insects in the Summer? EARTH and GLOBAL MATTERS
How Animals Live and Change Over Time DAILY LIFE
Geography Different Environments EARTH and GLOBAL MATTERS
History Artefacts Trail DAILY LIFE
1 |
Geography Our School and Local Area COMMUNITY
History History of Childhood DAILY LIFE |
Geography London, England COMMUNITY and CULTURE
History History of Transport TECHNOLOGY and DAILY LIFE |
Geography United Kingdom COMMUNITY and CULTURE
History Monarchs (Two significant individuals: Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria) POWER |
2 |
Geography Oceans and Continents EARTH |
History Nurturing Nurses: Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole TECHNOLOGY and DAILY LIFE |
Geography Hot and Cold Places of the World EARTH |
History The Great Fire of London COMMUNICATION |
Geography Contrasting Countries COMMUNITY and CULTURE
3 |
Geography Rivers EARTH and GLOBAL MATTERS |
History Stone Age to Iron Age TECHNOLOGY, DAILY LIFE and BELIEFS |
Geography Settlements and Agriculture EARTH and COMMUNITY |
History The Cradles of Civilisation POWER, COMMUNICATION and TECHNOLOGY |
History Ancient Egypt BELIEFS, TECHNOLOGY and POWER |
Geography Climates and Biomes (Including an introduction to Polar Climates) GLOBAL MATTERS and EARTH |
4 |
Geography Oceans and Coastal Processes EARTH and GLOBAL MATTERS |
Geography Plate tectonics: Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes EARTH and GLOBAL MATTERS |
History Ancient Rome BELIEFS, POWER and INVASION |
Geography The River Rhine and the Mediterranean CULTURE
5 |
Geography Location, Location EARTH
Geography North America, South America and Rainforests GLOBAL MATTERS |
History Anglo Saxons and Scots in Britain POWER, INVASION, BELIEFS AND DAILY LIFE |
History Anglo Saxons and Vikings INVASION, POWER and DAILY LIFE |
Geography Why is California so Thirsty? GLOBAL MATTERS |
6 |
Geography Contrasting Regions (Including the impact of climate change) GLOBAL MATTERS |
History The History of London Through Migration POWER and DAILY LIFE |
Geography Trade Links and Migration GLOBAL MATTERS |
History The British Empire and Colonialism POWER, INVASION and DAILY LIFE |
History World War II and the Impact on London POWER and INVASION |
Geography Natural Resources and Sustainability GLOBAL MATTERS |